The FAA Releases a Sample Drone Pilot Exam as a Study Guide

Effective August 29, 2016 the FAA’s new drone regulations will permit small drones to be operated commercially by eligible pilots that are certified. Those not already holding a pilot certificate may become certified by passing the initial aeronautical knowledge test at an FAA-approved knowledge testing center.

That test will cover the following:

  1. Applicable regulations relating to drone rating privileges, limitations, and flight operation;
  2. Airspace classification and operating requirements, and flight restrictions affecting small drone operation;
  3. Aviation weather sources and effects of weather on small drone performance;
  4. Small drone loading and performance;
  5. Emergency procedures;
  6. Crew Resource Management (CRM);
  7. Radio communication procedures;
  8. Determining the performance of small drones;
  9. Physiological effects of drugs and alcohol;
  10. Aeronautical decision-making (ADM) and judgment;
  11. Airport operations; and
  12. Maintenance and preflight inspection procedures.

The FAA released a Sample Drone Exam as a study guide.

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