Leviathan Wind Energizer LLC

On July 8, 2016 the management of Leviathan Wind Energizer LLC had a telephone conference with potential investors and their advisors about the firm’s prospects. I arranged for Alfred University to have access to this call.Wind Turbines

Leviathan Wind Energizer designs aerodynamically structures for wind turbines. The Wind EnergizerTM can typically  enhance  power  output  by  30%  and,  at times,  at  lower  wind  speeds, by over 100%. The prototype enhanced power output by 156% over the control over a 24 hours period. The company’s  first  patent was granted in the US in May 2012 and the second in April 2016.


The Leviathan Energy Wind EnergizerTM is  a  fast  way  to  combat  climate  change  (and  make  profits) because it simply optimizes already  constructed—and often grid-connected—turbines. By increasing the effective velocity in the plane of the blades, it rewrites the world wind map. Current wind  farms  can  increase  their  profits  significantly and previously unprofitable  areas  for  wind  farms—or sites that previously seemed to lack sufficient wind velocity—can now become lucrative sites.